Kinney in 2004, photo by Prphotos.com
Birth Name: Kathleen Kinney
Place of Birth: Stevens Point, Wisconsin, U.S.
Date of Birth: November 3, 1954
Ethnicity: French-Canadian, 1/8 Irish, possibly other
Kathy Kinney is an American actress and comedian.
She is the daughter of Marian (Gray) and Harold Kinney.
Kathy’s paternal grandfather was Charles Raymond Kinney (the son of John H. Kinney, Jr., and Malvina “Vine” Preaux). Charles was born in Wisconsin. John was the son John Kinney Sr., who was Irish, from County Roscommon, and Catharine Avery, who was from New York. Malvina was the daughter of Charles Preaux and Lucy Preaux.
Kathy’s paternal grandmother was Myrtle L. Beaudreau (the daughter of Francis Medrick Beaudreau and Caroline Preaux). Myrtle was born in Wisconsin. Francis was Canadian, from Rouville, Monteregie Region, Quebec, and was the son of Laurent/Laurence Beaudreau and Anrihet “Henrietta” LeDuc. Caroline was the daughter of Charles Preaux and Lucy Planchette.
Sources: Genealogy of Kathy Kinney (focusing on her father’s side) – http://www.bigalke.biz
Kathy’s father on the 1930 U.S. Census – https://www.familysearch.org
Marriage record of Kathy’s paternal great-grandparents, John H. Kinney, Jr., and Malvina “Vine” Preaux – https://www.familysearch.org
Marriage record of Kathy’s paternal great-grandparents, Francis Medrick Beaudreau and Caroline Preaux – https://www.familysearch.org
Genealogy of Kathy’s paternal great-grandfather, Francis Medrick Beaudreau – https://www.ancestry.ca
Genealogy of Kathy’s paternal great-grandfather, Francis Medrick Beaudreau (focusing on his father’s side) – https://www.findagrave.com
Genealogy of Kathy’s paternal great-great-grandfather, Laurent/Laurence Beaudreau (through Laurent’s sister) – https://wc.rootsweb.com
Genealogy of Kathy’s paternal great-great-grandmother, Anrihet “Henrietta” LeDuc (through Anrihet’s sister) – https://www.wikitree.com